Digital Transformation

This evolution of healthcare involves using technology to improve diagnosis, treatments, monitor patients, enhance hospital operations and culture, and bolster consumer-focused care. This includes virtual reality tools, wearable devices, workflow software, health apps and other digital health tools.

healthcare artificial intelligence

Industry Watcher’s Digest

Buzzworthy developments of the past few days.

USA China artificial intelligence race

China’s AI concerns presented for public consumption

Tech-enabled risks are top of mind for the head of the Chinese Communist Party—and AI is prominent among these.

Industry Watcher’s Digest

Buzzworthy developments of the past few days.

Center for AI Safety extinction statement

Tech thought leaders issue terse warning on humanity’s ‘risk of extinction’ at the hands of AI

Several hundred AI experts, stakeholders and commentators are alerting the world to the technology’s potential for widespread harm. 

ChatGPT fails board certification exam

Industry Watcher’s Digest

Buzzworthy developments of the past few days.

biden administration artificial intelligence

White House spotlights 3 newly added items on AI to-do list

The Biden Administration has refreshed its efforts to encourage AI innovation while mitigating AI risks.

men women Alzheimers

Industry Watcher’s Digest

Buzzworthy developments of the past few days.

patient acceptance of medical AI is rising

Is crafty ‘Dr. AI’ already siphoning mindshare from actual doctors?

Patients can be persuaded to place almost as much confidence in diagnostic AI as they have in primary care physicians.

Around the web

U.S. health systems are increasingly leveraging digital health to conduct their operations, but how health systems are using digital health in their strategies can vary widely.

When human counselors are unavailable to provide work-based wellness coaching, robots can substitute—as long as the workers are comfortable with emerging technologies and the machines aren’t overly humanlike.

A vendor that supplies EHR software to public health agencies is partnering with a health-tech startup in the cloud-communications space to equip state and local governments for managing their response to the COVID-19 crisis.