Electronic medical records (EMR) are a digital version of a patient’s chart that store their personal information, medical history and links to prior exams, texts and reports. The goal of these systems is to enable immediate access to the patient's data electronically, rather than needing to request paper file folders that might be stored in fragment files at numerous locations where a patient is seen or treated. EMRs (also called electronic health records, or EHR) improve clinician and health system efficiency by making all this data immediately available. This helps reduce repeat tests, repeat prescriptions and repeat imaging exams because reports, imaging or other patient data is not not immediately available. 

St. Mary Medical Center names CMIO

Baber Ghauri, MD, MBA, has joined St. Mary Medical Center as CMIO, a newly created position to help standardize processes of evidence-based quality care, the Langhorne, Pa., hospital announced. In this role, Ghauri will help develop and implement computerized provider order entry (CPOE) at St. Mary as part of a system-wide effort to support meaningful use of EHRs.

Medical practice, informatics groups weigh in on Stage 2

A pair of organizations representing medical groups and informaticists have issued formal comments to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) regarding the proposed Stage 2 objectives for meaningful use.

Report: EMR market grew to $15.7B in 2010

Confusion over meaningful use may have crimped EMR sales, but the market for EMR hit $15.7 billion in 2010, according to a recent report from market researcher Kalorama Information.

Consumer groups laud measures in Stage 2

Robust advancement of meaningful use criteria is essential both to ensure a return on investment for taxpayers who are funding the incentives and to lay a firm foundation for meeting the broad goals of health care reform, wrote 25 consumer groups in a collective comment filed last week that that commend many components of the proposed meaningful use Stage 2 criteria included in the Health IT (HIT) Policy Committees Request for Comments.

Drummond debuts hospital EHR certification program

Drummond Group, an Office of the National Coordinator Authorized Testing and Certification Body (ONC-ATCB), has unveiled the EHR Certification Roadmap for Hospitals, a certification program for hospitals that use EHR systems developed in-house or or use systems comprised of various technologies from multiple vendors.

AHIMA: Stage 2 should allow patients to restrict access to certain data

Regarding privacy and security of a patients health record, individuals should have the right to restrict certain services from disclosure, stated the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) in its comments on Stage 2 draft recommendations for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) EHR incentive program. 


The AMDIS Connection | IT: New Stethoscope for Better Care

The sad reality is that after youre through designing, implementing and refining an EMR, youre just beginning to get to the point of data integration. Yet the idea of being able to integrate data from different cases and learn something is one of the key premises of meaningful use Stage 1 and Stage 2.

HIMSS: Imprivata annouces new products and strategic partnerships

Imprivata announced a host of new products and industry partnerships at HIMSS11 in Orlando, Fla., Feb. 21-24. Designed to accelerate the adoption of EMR applications and help healthcare providers achieve meaningful use, the new products and partnerships focus on three key areas: virtualization, mobility and clinician workflow.

Around the web

U.S. health systems are increasingly leveraging digital health to conduct their operations, but how health systems are using digital health in their strategies can vary widely.

When human counselors are unavailable to provide work-based wellness coaching, robots can substitute—as long as the workers are comfortable with emerging technologies and the machines aren’t overly humanlike.

A vendor that supplies EHR software to public health agencies is partnering with a health-tech startup in the cloud-communications space to equip state and local governments for managing their response to the COVID-19 crisis.