Electronic medical records (EMR) are a digital version of a patient’s chart that store their personal information, medical history and links to prior exams, texts and reports. The goal of these systems is to enable immediate access to the patient's data electronically, rather than needing to request paper file folders that might be stored in fragment files at numerous locations where a patient is seen or treated. EMRs (also called electronic health records, or EHR) improve clinician and health system efficiency by making all this data immediately available. This helps reduce repeat tests, repeat prescriptions and repeat imaging exams because reports, imaging or other patient data is not not immediately available. 

Dallas pediatric hospital wins HIMSS Davies Award

Children’s Medical Center in Dallas has won a 2013 Enterprise HIMSS Davies Award of Excellence for use of health IT, particularly EHRs.

Study: Displayed costs decrease test orders

Displaying lab test costs in an EHR so clinicians can see a real-time price comparison of what they're ordering resulted in decreased ordering rates for certain tests and saved up to $107 per 1,000 visits per month.

Automated CDS process improves autism screening rate

An autism module added to an EHR's clinical decision support system improved screening rates for autism spectrum disorders and helped identify problems at a younger age, according to a study published in Infants and Young Children.

CMS seeks out ‘test EHRs’ for MU Stage 2 objective

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is seeking out multiple “test EHRs” for eligible providers, eligible hospitals and critical access hospitals to use if they pursue a second approach to meeting measure three of Meaningful Use Stage 2’s transitions of care objective.

EHRs hinder productivity, some physicians say

EHRs are reaching market saturation, yet office-based providers continue to report struggles with productivity, workflow and usability related to their use, according to a report published by IDC Health Insights.

New bills aim to force new EHR for VA, DoD; reduce claims backlog

The Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs are still working on developing a better EHR system for military service members. The two agencies first launched an effort to create a joint integrated EHR system back in 2009.

White Paper Focuses on Unstructured Data in an Electronic Health Record (EHR) Environment

DATAMARK, Inc., a leading provider of global business services to Fortune 500 companies and government organizations, has released a white paper, “Unstructured Data in Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems: Challenges and Solutions,” that highlights the challenges healthcare providers face in bringing unstructured information into electronic health record (EHR) systems.

Assns. urge new EHR regulatory framework

Letters to Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius call for a new risk-based regulatory framework for EHR systems and other health IT tools.

Around the web

U.S. health systems are increasingly leveraging digital health to conduct their operations, but how health systems are using digital health in their strategies can vary widely.

When human counselors are unavailable to provide work-based wellness coaching, robots can substitute—as long as the workers are comfortable with emerging technologies and the machines aren’t overly humanlike.

A vendor that supplies EHR software to public health agencies is partnering with a health-tech startup in the cloud-communications space to equip state and local governments for managing their response to the COVID-19 crisis.