ICU diary-keeping: There’s an AI for that

Intensive care units around the world use daily diaries to track patients’ emotional as well as physical ups and downs. Many find that keeping these helpful resources can add to nurses’ already-heavy workloads. How might generative AI help? 

Researchers at University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein in Germany count the ways.

“Several factors speak in favor of an AI-generated ICU diary, such as time savings, the standardized development of entries and the retrospective reconstruction of a diary from medical and nursing records,” write senior author Peter Nydahl, PhD, RN, and colleagues. “AI-generated ICU diaries could be beneficial to patients and their families, helping them cope with a challenging time in their lives,” they add. 

The paper is slated to run in the February 2025 edition of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing. Among the benefits the authors expound upon are these seven: 

1. AI-generated diaries save nursing time. 

An AI-generated diary provides a “very impressive overview of the patient’s stay” in the ICU and elsewhere in the hospital, Nydahl and co-authors write. They add that the resource can be created in minutes and given to every patient at discharge. 

‘An AI-generated diary supplies a compact summary of the patient’s treatment and all its key events.’ 

2. AI-generated diaries protect nurses’ privacy.

ICU nurses become involved in the privacy of their diarizing patients because they, the nurses, read and add entries themselves. “For some nurses, this can be an additional emotional burden, making it difficult to maintain the professional relationship,” the authors write before noting that AI-generated diaries can help overcome this barrier.

‘It should be important to note that the implementation of an AI-generated ICU diary is followed by the legal framework of the country. This data, like all hospital information, is highly valuable and should be treated with special protection.’

3. AI-generated diaries standardize diaries.

Another barrier against ICU diaries is the heterogenous use and delivery of diaries [6]. Currently, there are no specific recommendations for the length of the entries or the content or how the diary should be presented, which makes the usage of ICU diaries very heterogenous [14]. AI-generated ICU diaries can enable a standardized intervention. 

‘Standardizing the scope, presentation and conversion of AI reports will make them more comparable and protect them from the potential bias of personal influence by nurses.’

4. AI-generated diaries are impartial and objective. 

Personal perspectives and values may influence the nursing perspective on patients, their situation and their relatives, even on a subconscious level, the authors remind. By comparison, AI-generated diaries “can be impartial and as objective as possible.”

‘AI-generated ICU diaries can largely reduce the personal-perspective factor, although even AI is not free of bias.’

5. AI-generated diaries ensure continuity. 

In times of nursing shortage, staff often rotate between different ICUs, and many different persons and professions are involved in patients’ care, Nydahl and colleagues write. 

‘AI-generated diaries ensure continuity. The diary will have a homogeneous style, no breaks, likely no missing days and completely cover the critical-care journey.’ 

6. AI-generated diaries enable diaries-on-demand. 

Currently, most ICU diaries are written prospectively, the authors explain. “As a result, there is no way to get an ICU diary for the patients if the unit does not perform the intervention.”

‘AI can create an ICU diary on demand, without much effort for the nurses, physicians and therapists.’

7. AI-generated diaries save personal resources. 

An often-reported barrier against the use of ICU diaries is the demand they can place on already-overworked nurses. “AI-generated diaries spare these personal resources, support a reflective perspective in care, and ease stressful situations such as rushing an entry at the end of a shift.” 

‘Nurses write a short prompt, and everything else will be expanded with excellence by AI.’

The paper is available in full for free


Dave Pearson

Dave P. has worked in journalism, marketing and public relations for more than 30 years, frequently concentrating on hospitals, healthcare technology and Catholic communications. He has also specialized in fundraising communications, ghostwriting for CEOs of local, national and global charities, nonprofits and foundations.