Nicholas Galante

AI is revolutionizing radiology workflow and patient care

In the rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) is making significant strides in improving radiology workflow and patient care coordination. Nicholas Galante, MD, medical director of informatics at Radiology Associates of North Texas, recently discussed how technology from is transforming his radiology practice, enhancing efficiency, and ultimately benefiting patient outcomes. 

How CMS Grants New Technology Add-On Payments and Determines Substantial Similarity

New Technology Add-On Payments (NTAP) are a class of reimbursement that are meant to help pay for new technology that is not included in the DRG bundled payment. Specifically, NTAP recognizes that current DRG payment rates can be a barrier to adopting new technology and represents an additional payment for hospital stays that use new technology determined by CMS to provide substantial clinical improvement and where the current DRG payment would be inadequate.

Thumbnail artificial intelligence stroke software helping doctors win race against time

The Southeast Regional Stroke Center at Erlanger, based out of the University of Tennessee’s Erlanger Medical Center in Chattanooga, receives referrals from more than 40 hospitals and treats more than 2,500 strokes each year. Patients are rushed to their internationally-recognized center, more commonly referred to as the Erlanger Stroke Network, both day and night, some arriving by ambulance and others by helicopter.